22Friends 33Fans
female Madiun, Indonesia
anggarda diajeng is a 15 years old girl who loves everything next to her. loves to keep awake and hates sleep all the time. she doesnt like sleep because she wants to be a vampire such as his prince: mr.edward. hahaha. anw. she loves everyone :-)
amdeelicious is
15 years ago
singing: i'm a barbie girl. in the barbie world. life in plastic. it's fantastic! (gajelas banget ih)
amdeelicious feels
15 years ago
happy :-)
amdeelicious hates
15 years ago
amdeelicious is
15 years ago
nunggu balesan sms. huff
amdeelicious is
15 years ago
uploading the photos which she had taken with her friends :-)
amdeelicious loves
15 years ago 5
her AUTIS friends! aww aww aww waaa :-D
amdeelicious is
15 years ago
missing someone outta here :-(
amdeelicious loves
15 years ago
amdeelicious feels
15 years ago
dpt layout plurks dgn theme camera! :-)
amdeelicious feels
15 years ago