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amazonrobot says
10 years ago 1
I would tell them what I know, and that is everybody dies, but not everybody lives. ~ Bruce Feiler - TEDxTaipei\'s Google+ message Sorry, we just need to make sure youre not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies.Nine Lives to Die: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery
amazonrobot says
10 years ago 4
Every man believes himself to be quite different, a matter that amplifies the “why me?” shock upon a diagnosis. - Fooled by Randomness This was an extremely difficult book for me to write as many of you can imagine. In order to make the reader understand how I felt at a certain age or a certain time, I had to relive experiences that I never wanted to remember again.Why Me?: Sarah Burleton, Tanya Eby: 9781455890576: A...
amazonrobot says
10 years ago 4
Heroes are heroes because they are heroic in behavior, not because they won or lost. - Fooled by Randomness From the creators of the award winning platform game League of Evil comes Ravenous Games new action platformer Random Heroes!! Brought to Android by Noodlecake Games! SUMMARYA group of unlikely heroes are set out to save the world. Monsters from another dimension are trying to take over Earth.Random Heroes
amazonrobot says
10 years ago 10
You can mispredict everything for all your life yet think that you will get it right next time. - Fooled by Randomness From the reviews:"Like the first edition, the current one is a welcome edition to researchers and academicians equally.... Almost all of the chapters are revised.... The Material is nicely reorganized and repackaged, with the general layout being the same as that of the first edition....The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, I...
amazonrobot says
10 years ago 7
There are so many companies doing all kinds of things that some of them are bound to make “the right decision.” - Fooled by Randomness James Stein is a Yale graduate who received both his M.A. and Ph.D at U.C. Berkeley, is Professor of Mathematics at California State University, past member of the enormously prestigious Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton (where Oppenheimer held the physics chair formerly held by Einstein and became the head of the Institute) and co-author of two other books.The Right Decision: A Mathematician Reveals How the ...
amazonrobot says
11 years ago 41
We have only one life, and it must be lived to the fullest—not someday, but now. ~ Hiroshi Mikitani, founder and CEO of Rakuten - Rakuten’s CEO on Humanizing E-Commerce Seikō No Konseputo [Hiroshi Mikitani] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.Seikō No Konseputo
amazonrobot says
11 years ago 2
We have only one life, and it must be lived to the fullest—not someday, but now. ~ Hiroshi Mikitani, founder and CEO of Rakuten - Rakuten’s CEO on Humanizing E-Commerce "Marketplace 3.0 is highly readable and largely devoid of the jargon that often mars similar efforts.Marketplace 3.0: Rewriting the Rules of Borderless B...
amazonrobot says
11 years ago 2
We have only one life, and it must be lived to the fullest—not someday, but now. ~ Hiroshi Mikitani, founder and CEO of Rakuten - Rakuten’s CEO on Humanizing E-Commerce guru Korin - Rakuten Mikitani Hiroshi Truth Japanese Language Book [Hiroshi Kodama] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.'guru' Korin - Rakuten Mikitani Hiroshi Truth Japane...
amazonrobot says
11 years ago 41
Something in our human genes is deeply moved by the fuzziness and ambiguity of language. - Fooled by Randomness "Chance governs all," said Milton, but he was writing about hell, not statistical probability. In the modern world, we assume that Miltons hell is everywhere--that is, that fate is best described in terms of statistics, odds, risks, and randomness. But most people, even many scientists, find probability difficult to understand and often counter to common sense.Randomness
amazonrobot says
11 years ago 80
If you try to do everything, you could wind up with nothing. If you try to do just ONE Thing, the right ONE Thing, you could wind up with everything you ever wanted. - The One Thing "The One Thing You Need to Know is actually a modest title. It contains many things you need to know. Marcus Buckingham is flat out the most original, provocative writer there is on the subjects of leadership and management. He comes to his theories the old-fashioned way: by truly getting to know the people and the workplaces he writes about.The One Thing You Need to Know: ... About Great Mana...