6Friends 17Fans
female Kuantan, Malaysia
I'm a Violence, Cool, Talkative, Funny, Joker, Stupid, Fierce, Outgoing, Kind, and Awesome Girl. * This is How My Brother Describe me. I'm a year 1993 Female. 16th of March is my BIG DAY ! Love Jinho !
amanda930316 feels
14 years ago's it? deal or no deal? xD Deal it ! keke.
amanda930316 is
14 years ago
going to sleep after watching my kyu and Jino at youtube. Chajayo yeorobun. working tomorrow.
14 years ago
cuts her finger again T.T
amanda930316 is
14 years ago
baking sausage buns and cooking spagetthi later for lunch <3 made egg burger for breakfast just now. <3 yummy ~ (mmm)
amanda930316 feels
14 years ago 8
better ~ <3 but cough. aih.. sick sick sick :'-(
amanda930316 feels
14 years ago
off to sleep. good night people.
amanda930316 feels
14 years ago
so sick. Headache and feels so so so sick. Gotto sleep early today. Tomorrow going to cook spagetthi and bake sausage buns. :-D
amanda930316 wonders
14 years ago
issit the salary she offered is serious... if yes... hmmmmm.......... keke
amanda930316 is
14 years ago
damn tired. Oh God ! :-(
amanda930316 loves
14 years ago
Donghae and Jinho ! sorry Kyu,Wook,Onew...i love you too, but i love them more~ <3 wahahaha Jinho ah, Get yourself taller please.kyaaaaaa <3