9Friends 67Fans
female Monticello, MN, United States
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Psychology says, no matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love. (cozy)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
NIDA study in year 2007 determined that students who are into sports activities that performed drug testing had overall rates of drug usage compared to students who did not supported the program. Drug Abuse Control | FDA Cleared | Instant Drug Testing Kits | Bu...
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Hi! (wave)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
amadasanford is
9 years ago
:'-( sometimes I just want to spend my whole day watching sad movies so that people won't ask me why I am crying.
amadasanford is
9 years ago
The closer I get to you.... (cozy)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Wanna know more about the pros and cons of drug and alcohol test? READ:
amadasanford is
9 years ago
I pray for a fruitful and blessed New Year ahead for everyone! :-)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! (highfive)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Action speaks louder than words. ;-)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
(cozy) Time to sleep. Nightie night night.