28Friends 32Fans
female Manila, Philippines
If I cannot forgive myself for all the blunders
That I have made over the years,
Then how can I proceed?
How can I ever dream perfection dreams?
Move, I must, forward.
Fly, I must, upward.
Dive, I must, inward,
To be once more
What I truly am
15 years ago 6
didn't plurk yesterday coz i was drunk hahaha
allaine08 is
15 years ago
missing someone
allaine08 says
15 years ago
no time to plurk
allaine08 is
15 years ago
pissed... coz someone stole my money! errr X-(
allaine08 will
15 years ago
fetch my friends in SMB any minute now :-D
allaine08 asks
15 years ago
why is it raining again waahh :-(
allaine08 is
15 years ago
happy... super happy tonight :-D
allaine08 says
15 years ago
i'm damn bored :-(
allaine08 says
15 years ago
lunch time (dance) (hungry)
15 years ago
just got home from fetching my brotha