17Friends 14Fans
female Dallas, TX, United States
Working for innerecho doing User Experience Design in Dallas, TX.
Alisha is
16 years ago
glad anna's back in dallas again!
Alisha is
16 years ago
excited to watch TU and Mizzou play today! Don't really care about OU or UT...
Alisha is
16 years ago
wondering where the day went.... and how doing a bunch of "little" things can take over an entire day!
Alisha is
16 years ago
looking forward to tonight! and tomorrow night!
Alisha thinks
16 years ago 7
i may have had a brilliant idea last night. need to share with someone so i know if it's a) been done, b ) possible, or c) not brilliant.
Alisha is
16 years ago 1
ready to watch the debate tonight! Here's hoping McCain can talk about something other than his opinion of Obama's character.
Alisha is
16 years ago
gonna watch the cowboys today!
Alisha has
16 years ago
had an incredibly long week... glad it's friday!
16 years ago
thinks it's pretty awesome when a client says "These designs are the best thing to happen in the 5 years of this company". Good job me!
Alisha asks
16 years ago 3
whats worse than having a small monitor at work? having your small monitor stop working....