剛搬來兩週的新室友昨天無預警跑路...急徵新室友啊~有人有朋友在找房子的嗎? 我家的地點和價格都絕佳喔~
iPhone&iPad上出了超復古遊戲NBA JAM!!! 球員全部是最新的~超high!!! 男性同胞小時候應該都玩過吧?
Angry Birds 情人節版全三星&金蛋&愛心巧克力盒GET!
Ray Allen became the greatest 3-pointer shooter in the world!! So proud of you as a old fan since SuperSonics.
這年頭各式各樣的微博和SNS太多~終於找到一個solution可以一次發佈所有的平台啦~微博通is good!
Watching "Six Feet Under" again after 6 years. It's still so blunt & straight to the point in an ironic way, still my favorite TV series.
First time as the Best Man?