changed the front 12cm fan, quieter now, but the video card starts to make some noise....
the 15cm case fan is noisy again after cleaning it for a week, need a replacement. But 15/18cm fan is hard to find......
firefox 3.6.2pre doesn't like Flash 10.1 now. Disappear somehow likes FF3.7a.
got Wing Commander IV DVD edition, yeah. Next step is to get a flight stick.
gmail imap is still damn slow for header fetching
fuck hotmail, why put a comma instead of space in the references field?
fb detects the "Namoroka" agent string and gives a different chat interface.
maybe one of the reason why I don't like Lazarus/Free Pascal is generics. Syntax is just different from delphi's. A pain to share coding.
fb is fixed in the earning morning, with an email reply