But iF IlL WaIt fOr hIm, iLl bE In pAiN KnOwInG HiS LoVe fOr mE IsNt tHe sAMe aS BeFoRe...
iF IlL cHoOSE To mOvE On wHiLe hE Is sTiLl hAnGiN oN.. hE'Ll bE In PaIn..
i rAtHeR bE SiNgLe tHaN tO SuFfEr ThE SAmE PaIn iVe bEeN ThRouGh..
should i give him a chance?? what if ill be hurt again???
I LoVeD U So mUcH bUt sEeInG MySeLf iN THe miRrOr I NeEd To StOp i nEeD To lOvE MySeLf aS WELl.. i aSkEd u to eXplAiN YeT YoU DiDnt..
i gOt So hUrT aNd u kNoW THaT BuT In ThOsE TiMeS DiD U EvEn bOtHeR ChEcKiNg On Me..
I CaNt pRoMiSe tO WaIt fOr u... u lEt mE Go aNd i mUSt mOvE On...
u let me go and u didnt know?? stupid of u.. dli nako mag sakit oist.. so clear it up.. buwag tah dli..