he let me go.. when I still wanted to hold on...
im so frustrated.. im so down.. im tired.. not from loving but from crying...
Im smilling yet.... im sad inside... i wonder what's missing.....
Im tired of crying all nyt long.........
i always say that I'm tired of crying yet... Im crying.. >stupid me<
I WaNtED To SEiZe tHe dAy... BUt tHeRe iS SoMeThInG InSiDe Me pULlInG Me bAcK,, kEePiNg mE SaNe.......
I GiVe uP... i hOPe I CaN At lEsT gEt A GrIp uNtO MySeLf...
Let him go and feel the pain of breakng up, or stay and still h0ld on to his w0rds? Even if his acti0ns is damn hurting me.
Pe0ple say hes lucky for having me, but i d0nt think he feels that way.