12Friends 12Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
aki is
16 years ago 2
charging her camera battery right now. gizmodo.com/5016814/why-...
aki is
16 years ago
eating pistachio chocolate cake with her breakfast.
aki is
16 years ago
going to see Crayonsmith and Islands tonight
aki says
16 years ago
all hail Philz Coffee www.philzcoffee.com/
aki asks
16 years ago
can i have an avatar named Kitty Shepard?
aki says
16 years ago 1
i think i've watched 10 movies this weekend
aki says
16 years ago
someone on the phone just said "the orientals are tricky". wtf?
aki says
16 years ago 2
somehow i put enough butter on my homemade bread to maek it taste somewhat croissant-like
aki asks
16 years ago 2
am i weird for growing pea sprouts at work? they are growing like 3 inches a day!
aki is
16 years ago 3
i feel a little nervous. kind of like giddy excitement. no idea way. i've got the butterflies.