49Friends 50Fans
female Lebak Bulus, Indonesia
Je serais peut-être pas aussi intelligent que vous, mais je suis une bonne personne.
Et les bonnes choses arrivent aux bonnes personnes! :-)
Amanda feels
15 years ago
happy midterm CA ga sesusah yang gw kira (dance)
Amanda is
15 years ago
H-1 jam Cost Accounting (annoyed)
Amanda is
15 years ago
lebih ga bisa tidur lagi, sekarang adek2 gw maen guitar hero (annoyed)
Amanda is
15 years ago
bingung. oke. sekarang ngapain ya? (tears)
Amanda is
15 years ago
kebangun denger suara adek2 gw maen poker di kamar sebelah (annoyed)
Amanda needs
15 years ago
to sleep........ (wave)
Amanda feels
15 years ago
GR (annoyed)
Amanda is
15 years ago
studying last year's CA midterm (gym)
Amanda says
15 years ago
cheap stuffs drive me crazy... i wonder why people always go after the expensive ones.... :-)) the cheaper the better!
Amanda loves
15 years ago
[PP] JKT - KL - JKT 284,000 IDR ONLY - PROMO AIRASIA ENDS TODAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dance)