13Friends 2Fans
female Richmond Hill, ON, Canada
ahtoe says
10 years ago 5
Karma update = 6.38!!
ahtoe says
10 years ago 28
got a Dumbo in Tsum game!
ahtoe shares
10 years ago 3
my karma = 3.83! it's growing! haha
ahtoe asks
10 years ago 4
if my Plurk friends can add me on Line so I get more hearts in Tsum game? :-P My userID is ahtoe
ahtoe says
10 years ago 6
My karma = 1.50! 我要努力!
ahtoe says
10 years ago 4
楊受成 sue Google autocorrect made it to Canadian version of Huffington Post.
ahtoe says
10 years ago 11
Hi there! Long time no chat... Trying to add karma to my life as I have 0.00 karma point I have a feeling I may not last long in here...
ahtoe says
13 years ago 11
whitney houston dead... what's going on.
ahtoe says
13 years ago 4
Forgot to Plurk once every 4 hours to maintain karma tim!!
ahtoe says
13 years ago
Alcatraz is a cool show but tonight's episode was a bit too mysterious, confusing and LOST!!!