578Friends 662Fans
female Santa Rosa, Philippines
xoxo HAPPY wid HIM..!!
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ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago 7
`~The meaning of love can't be said, either written, but felt, in a smile, a tear or even a thought. <3 <3 <3
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~There's no age limit on love. Everyone knows what it is, they just have to find theirs. :-)
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~Looking at the sky full of stars, but you are the biggest star in my heart. :-)
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~Since you came into my life the silence in my heart has explodes to A Million Stars,But only one of Them has found a Home In My Universe.
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~True love is when you stick it through when things are less than perfect.
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~I want you to look at me like you've never looked at anyone else. I want you to look at me like I have something other girls don't.
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~Dont let your pride get in the way of how you truly feel.
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~I can't be a "plus one" til I learn how to be "just one." I've gotta learn & master ME before I graduate to WE!
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~Let no man pull you low enough to hate him... :-)
ahLLiySszOnNe says
14 years ago
`~S[he] be[lie]ve[d]... << Like this.. :-)