48Friends 60Fans
female Tanjong Tokong, Malaysia
I am 21 year old, doing what any other 21 year old girls are doing and perhaps a little bit more.

I blog at
pingping says
15 years ago
been such a long time since I last logged in to my plurk.
pingping says
15 years ago 2
will i get food poisoning??? I just drank a bottle of expired Vitagen
pingping says
15 years ago
haze is back and it is bad....
pingping is
15 years ago
feeling rather complicated. How should I put it? I am loving it and hating it, enjoying it but wishing it won't come kinda feeling. sigh
15 years ago 2
broke a bowl...wheee haaaa T___T ok, actually very sad...
pingping is
15 years ago
going to enjoy this three weeks... *roll on the bed*
pingping is
15 years ago 1
at home, counting her fingers...I KNOW I GOT TEN...just a tad too bored...
pingping loves
15 years ago
listening to sad chinese songs that makes her sad... =(( sadist...
pingping says
15 years ago
ah ma uses the word hooligan when all I use is gangster.. AH MA KENG!!!!!
pingping has
15 years ago
blogged about the StandOut party at