0Friends 6Fans
male Jombang, Indonesia
Indonesian Fulltime Blogger, Ghost Writer, Philatelist and Loves Bollywood Music.
agussiswoyo says
12 years ago
Looking for an instant credibility boost? Be transparent; sign each article with your name and upload an author photo.
agussiswoyo says
12 years ago
selamat pagi semua...!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
semangat hari jumat!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
selamat pagi semua!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
menipu diri bukanlah perbuatan tercela.
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
aku tahu aku sedang menipu diri.
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
Set goals: What do you want to accomplish with your articles? Establish a plan of action to achieve your goals and write!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
Reader Turn-Offs: Irrelevant, thin articles. Reader Turn-Ons: Relevant, quality articles with specific & unique details!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
Practice correct spelling to enhance your CREDABILITY. Scratch that: CREDIBILITY!
agussiswoyo says
13 years ago
What time is the optimal time to write? Find out by timing yourself while you write your articles morning, noon, & night!