gadget lust is back in force. hopefully HTC's new Android 2.0 handset gets better reviews than Droid
sharmila's back is really hurting. she pinched a nerve or something. loading her down w/ tylenol in hopes that the inflammation will drop
Apparently, Dragon Age: Origins came out today. Already remoted in and installed it. Can't wait to get home and play it!
getting the hang of Google Wave. i just wish more people used it, so I could really take advantage... #googlewave
it really irks me that i'm preloading a game on Steam that's already fully available to those who'd rather pirate it
literally seconds after that plurk about Google Wave, my invite came through. Squeeee!
i am studying like a madman in anticipation of my invite to Google Wave. anyone out there already waving?
i just turned on the IM client for Plurk. I think this will cross-post to Facebook and Twitter for me
how Plurkers manage to grok microblogging with threads. it just doesn't jive for me.
if he's the only Aion player out there.