87Friends 69Fans
male Manila, Philippines
Current main hobby : Meditation

Aeade says
15 years ago 6
crap, now i find Songs by PERFUME. where the hell are these songs coming from?
Aeade says
15 years ago 9
I just found Idolm@ster albums in my playlist..... i never even knew i had them
Aeade says
15 years ago 25
Just finished cleaning HQ
Aeade says
15 years ago
I want an eggplant stuffed toy or bag or costume
Aeade says
15 years ago 6
People stop hitting me with food on facebook and let me eat it!
Aeade says
15 years ago 30
home after 2 days (LOL)
Aeade says
15 years ago 8
I love you all! you guys can all die and get raped by cockroaches. YES! i'm sooooo totally awesome (devil)
Aeade says
15 years ago 2
I guess i'll be running around going everywhere today :-))
Aeade says
15 years ago 3
someone tell matthew he needs to pickup the maid outfit before 9am
Aeade says
15 years ago 48
I am a glutton. i ate 1/3 of all the food today at MJ's birthday party (mmm)