Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog, it's a great mini-movie
he somehow attracts insanity wherever he goes, especially in the form of friends
3 consecutive weeks of midterms...fml
having 蒸萝卜糕 for breakfast =D
confused...he went to bed with a safety pin attatched to his bedsheets only to wake up with the safety pin lying on his desk...
Once again, Manchester United have crawled their way back to the top of the table in the Barclays Premier League, yayyyyyyyy
playing Football, and for those that disagree it's called football because you use ur FOOT TO PLAY IT!!! NOT LIKE AMERICAN FOOTBALL
just noticed the amount of sexual innuendo that occurs in James Bond films...especially with Pierce Brosnan
too fucking tired to workout, and has too much homework to do so anyways
killed his arms...workout too intense me thinks