Adj Adj Baby
81Friends 66Fans
female Santa Rosa, Philippines
Confusing, complex, me.
Adj Adj Baby is
14 years ago
revisiting her weak spot. :-s
Adj Adj Baby wonders
14 years ago 1
is it so much easier for men to fall for guys than it is for women to fall for other women?
Adj Adj Baby
14 years ago 1
Life alone can be so unkind.
Adj Adj Baby
14 years ago 1
misses her momma's cooking. :-(
Adj Adj Baby is
14 years ago
having a really bad day. :-((
Adj Adj Baby loves
14 years ago
Lulu. (K)
Adj Adj Baby
14 years ago
enjoyed her Diliman weekend.
Adj Adj Baby wants
14 years ago
to go book-shopping. :-D
Adj Adj Baby has
14 years ago
a new crush. Wait, make that two. No, three! (dance)
Adj Adj Baby
14 years ago
Mahal niya ko pero hindi niya ako kilala.