36Friends 29Fans
male Kuching, Malaysia
Living + enjoying life, Carpe Diem!

What we do in life, echoes in eternity... Maximus Decimus Meridius, Gladiator, 2K

Interest: Smooth Jazz, Saxophone, Traveling, Mov/TV, Food/Drink
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 6 life, learn to let go is as important as learning to hold on. It's to grow, to distant, moving on & set urself free away fr. d clutters & entanglements towards something new
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 8 the life we lead w/ some give & take; both, not 1 or the other. Also not forgetting sometimes u win some & sometimes u lose some; pick ur battles wisely b4 u go 2 war...
adamlwl likes
12 years ago 5
Later tonight- Brian Culbertsonsmooth, soothing, wonderfully arranged, romantically sexy tune w/ a touch of Funk, Blues & R&B fr. Brian Culbertson of his 13th album "Dreams"
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 5 & master ur own self, be responsible for all actions, then u've ur fate & destiny in ur hands... quoted fr. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 6 heard it somewhere, that good friends are the bro. & sis, the family that God forgot to give us. :-) Rejoice & Cheers!
adamlwl likes
12 years ago 9
Jonathan Fritzen & Vincent Ingala (Back 2 The Cl...Great tunes weaved in harmony + sync of the synthesizer keyboard & sax combo, infused w/ infectious beats & spontaneous improvisations... i'll say it again & again, I (heart) it!
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 6 at the end of the day, we must go through life by bringing change, touching & influence the life of others, making a difference in the world & the societies that we live in
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 4, value, cherish & celebrating fellow good friends who stood by ur side around u everyday... viva forever! (goodluck)
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 5't waste ur life, stop waiting for something better to came along... b'cos it just did! U're living it; take risks, go live life & be free
adamlwl shares
12 years ago 4 less on the negatives; Do what feels right, focus & act, do more on the positives to get things done :-)