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ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 1
What a good shooter with one eye closed and one opened. 美國總統川普日前出訪中國大陸,對於美國金融業多年要求「讓外資擁有中國大陸合資金融機構過半股權」一事完全沒向中國國家主席習近平提及,沒想到當川普離開北京後不久,中國財政部就宣布「將允許外資持有中國大陸合資金融機構51%的股權」,既沒提前知會川普,還在川普離開後才公布,讓川普糗大了? 非也,經濟乃政治之先導,此51%之擁有者即是老闆,政策決定者;短期間內自然是中共,尤其藉由外匯管制;但門禁既已打開,即使只一小門縫,外資必洪水如潮,沛然莫之能禦;故此經濟之一小步,乃政治之一大步! 共產黨專政已是歷史! 中國金融體系再爛,自有國際學者專家(LOL)
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 2
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 1
The taxi driver is over reacted. With the police's replying calmly and normally, I believe, Taiwan won't be a police-controlled state.... 這~ a normal reaction of a normal guy in our normal society with peace and harmony controlled by the polite educated polices systems of self-control training. It won't be the same crazy and upside down as it is now.
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 1
美國總統川普日前出訪中國大陸,對於美國金融業多年要求「讓外資擁有中國大陸合資金融機構過半股權」一事完全沒向中國國家主席習近平提及,沒想到當川普離開北京後不久,中國財政部就宣布「將允許外資持有中國大陸合資金融機構51%的股權」,既沒提前知會川普,還在川普離開後才公布,讓川普糗大了? 非也,經濟乃政治之先導,此51%之擁有者即是老闆,政策決定者;短期間內自然是中共,尤其藉由外匯管制;但門禁既已打開,即使只一小門縫,外資必洪水如潮,沛然莫之能禦;故此經濟之一小步,乃政治之一大步! 共產黨專政已是歷史! 中國金融體系再爛,自有國際學者專家;美國人豈是不知堅持「做有利於美國的事」,作法要對的同時,時機也要準確!
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 1
糗大了!川普訪中沒談這議題 中國大陸立刻宣布新政策 | 國際 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM即使川普不斷誇耀與習近平關係,中國決策時仍堅持「做有利於中國的事」,作法要對的同時,時機也要準確!外界認為,習近平不事先透露該政策,一是因為相關細節未定,政策也可能一拖再拖,二是美國擔心中國負債高,投資中國本就謹慎,對銀行業持有的「未過半股權」規定也十分嚴格,同時還要凸顯該政策也並非對美國讓步,而是吸引外人直接投資(FDI)
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 3
Democrative Politics Preserve is moving nowhere but staying as it is now, why not! But China wants more, to be a super big power as USA. Can American or Japanese accept that way of doing? No way, especially for Japan now is leading by Premier Abe who is the most right wing in power.
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 2
人為何害怕輸, (輸者只能跟在人後) 做了許多事,就為了挽回並捍衛自己的尊嚴,(多元社會跟在人後並不見不好) 許多ㄉ事,珍惜兩個字,必須是自己先看為貴重的 (因時空背景不同而異),即使在不斷探險的旅程 (人生隨時隨地學習精進),也要有自己的底線 (更須堅守自我立場原則;君子固窮,小人窮斯爛矣) 人為何而活? 當然要往積極面想,所謂活著就有希望 !
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 2
As a world citizen, what do you want between War and Peace? Meeting of the strongmen: How did Trump measure up a... We have to make the choice now before too late which is the democracy system's fundamental weak point, to compete with the dictatorship! We must be ready for the right time with the right person, to do the right thing at the right location by the right way of doing.
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 3
two weeks ago, Xi shored up his absolute control o... (Plurk Paste)
As the country that Trump once accused of "raping" the US rolled out the reddest of red carpets for him during his stay in Beijing, is it equal to both ends? From human being's histories, there is no equal existed between the strongmen. Be more careful, please! Yankee is coming ~
Meeting of the strongmen: How did Trump measure up a...
ad1759am 正在
7 years ago 1 @Edit 7 years ago
麻雀變鳳凰片中風流瀟灑一擲千金大老闆李察吉爾,如今在 Time Out Of Mind 新片中演出無家可歸之街友,因深入角色心境而回不來現實上億美元身價之超級巨星身分而流浪街頭 ~Richard Gere is a real actor as he was a handsome rich playboy in "Pretty Woman" but now would be a homeless man. Gere is a true man with a tender heart and it makes him a superstar as it moves our hearts.