50Friends 129Fans
female sampaloc, Philippines
maine, cha-cha and sometimes charm is the name they fondly call her. A jolly, simple and not as beautiful as other yet she can be your apple of the eye. She's a type of girl that can easily be with, a funny and good at making people laugh.
acushicharm gusto
13 years ago 1
nan fries :-))
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
weak ! (tongue)
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
out.out.out ! get out to my life ! (wave)
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
well :-)) dedma lan sa pagtawag ni ama :-)) araw nea to ! haha
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
eleo.eloe :-))
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
rain.rain go away .. tsu ! (wave)
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
what is love ? its when you hold hands .. and yet you can't figure out which hand is your because they seem to be one .. :-))
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
ohayo gozaimasu plurkerss :-))
acushicharm ay
13 years ago
my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where i started .. HAPPY FATHERS DAY :-)
acushicharm ay
13 years ago 2
hola :-)) ohayo gozaimasu :-))