102Friends 170Fans
male Birmingham, AL, United States
An urban conversationalist from the Bronx finding his way through the blogosphere and the Southeastern United States while keeping tabs on what's life in, Birmingham, AL.
acnatta has
16 years ago 8
learned that Mom's surgery has been moved to Tues. - and it's a quadruple bypass...
acnatta is
16 years ago 4
at Denver International waiting to fly to Baltimore and then NYC this morning.
acnatta is
16 years ago 8
having to fly to NYC tomorrow from CO - Mom's having triple bypass surgery...
acnatta is
16 years ago
working on my presentation for Colorado in a really cool B&B
acnatta is
16 years ago 1
finding it hard to believe that it only two weeks until folks start traveling for Christmas... weird...
acnatta is
16 years ago 5
back from his first ever NHL game - it was FUN! (rock)
acnatta is
16 years ago 4
back in Colorado trying to figure out a plan to go to the Avalanche game tonight.
acnatta is
16 years ago 5
up early but hoping to get a lot done.
acnatta wonders
16 years ago
when he'll have enough hours in the day again...
acnatta asks
16 years ago 5
how's everybody doing this morning?