sleepy, but time is running out. So, onward through the fog!
something inside her has snapped: I think she has found the Edith Wharton in her. Alas, but at what cost!
about careers: If I want to be a career poet and occasional playwright/producer, I should be teaching full-time...and writing monographs too
To check for sentence correctness,switch: The instability of sex DOES ALLOW not only writers like etc. 'Does ALLOWS' would be wrong. Right?
Johns Hopkins Press, ha. Sha (2009) reads: "Not only does the instability of sex ALLOWS". It should read 'allow,'as the word 'does' is there
G Rousseau: How could you mistake Charlotte Bronte as author of Wuthering Heights in 2011 Routledge (p174)? It's EMILY! Clumsy ed, B Clarke!
surprised to discover that Darwin's (Erasmus, not Charles) work was 'indexed' by the Pope in 1792. Clearly one is drawn to iconoclasts.
wearied at deviating from her favourites like Susan Sontag, only to discover that her 1979 book invigorated Lit&Med. Happy now. Full circle.
that when you read a new anthology of essays in which the contributors are people who like your ideas then you must be doing something right