OC works
45Friends 3Fans
United States
Hey I RP some, welcome.
OC works
4 months ago
Man plurk having to do things again is rough, but I really missed being an actual person again.

might hit some of the folks posting memes, albeit very late at this point, but whatever, as well as make some tags I said I would, might be Friday
OC works
4 months ago
hunting for/making icons is so tiring these days
OC works
4 months ago
oh right it is Sunday, still having trouble keeping track of my days. Anyway show me one of your top ten swords, real or fictional plz
OC works
4 months ago
Household is sick and I've been having to dodge that and nurse
OC works
4 months ago
Hi plurk, I hope everyone has a wonderful day today
OC works
5 months ago 7
[art] Still not quite up to RP, yet. Working up to it. In the mean time I've been drawing whenever I'm not too exhausted, one is a Genasi for a campaign I'm in, and the other is Arro https://images.plurk.com/3tf0i93NpJbY1V8M56rHfJ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/13w1olJowRj1Uoy9w5rA6e.jpg
OC works
5 months ago 3
Four weeks out post surgery and I feel a bit more like a person finally, still can't lift anything but it's nice to move(somewhat) with only a little pain
OC works
5 months ago
follow up appointment went pretty good, I might be a little slow, but AMA
OC works
5 months ago 7
Sorry I don't have much to talk about plurk since I'm back, but I've mostly been sleeping and recovering. I was supposed to do a follow up appointment tomorrow but got hit with so much snow. I love it, but am sad I can't really play around in it because of stitches. It hasn't stopped all day. https://images.plurk.com/36iHV9Hm1dKpRjfvLw7GRj.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7ngsW0ifHgajatRiu0tUjK.jpg
OC works
6 months ago
It's not Thursday, I don't care, rather than traditional, tell me what your character would order mine in a bar/[place with drinks here]