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male Applecross, Australia
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ablenetdesign says
15 years ago 5
hmm whats new on plurk?
ablenetdesign is
15 years ago 1
Checking out what's been happening in plurkville
ablenetdesign says
15 years ago 1
hello plurk it's been awhile
ablenetdesign says
15 years ago
plurk detox not going to well. still checking for anything exciting
ablenetdesign is
15 years ago 8
going on plurk detox tomorrow
ablenetdesign says
15 years ago 2
goodnight all (bye)
ablenetdesign says
15 years ago
hmm seems to be some more problems with plurk style... might deplurk for awhile
ablenetdesign says
15 years ago
plurk seems to log me out, they must be working on it
ablenetdesign feels
15 years ago 14
that the users on plurk have let him down :'-(