17Friends 13Fans
female Wichita, KS, United States
15 years ago
had almost forgotten the part where the sims quit on her yesterday. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! :-o
_jessi wants
15 years ago 11
to fold laundry, but is sort of scared she might tear off the rest of her fingernail. :S
_jessi hates
15 years ago 4
15 years ago 4
mourns the loss of half her fingernail.
_jessi hopes
15 years ago 1
the James is feeling better today.
_jessi wishes
15 years ago
her husband wasn't so sleepy!
_jessi is
15 years ago
excited to watch Edward Scissorhands.
15 years ago
just got home from another fun day of antique-ing.
15 years ago 2
loved Coraline.
15 years ago
misses the allergy-free winters of Saskatchewan.