4Friends 1Fans
female Hartford, CT, United States
_elliemm is
16 years ago
glad corrie survived her pilgrimage mostly intact :-)
_elliemm wishes
16 years ago
her eyes would focus
_elliemm thinks
16 years ago
the fact that i'm the one who knows the most about manga in my english class is a little scary. I feel so weeabo XD
_elliemm wonders
16 years ago
why she always wakes up FREAKIN EXHAUSTED
_elliemm has
16 years ago 2
received her franch copy of babylon bebes :-o
_elliemm wishes
16 years ago
it weren't so cold. JEEZY CREEZY
_elliemm has
16 years ago
cut her heal. I KEEP HURTING MYSELF. oh aaand we have over 100 cranes!
_elliemm has
16 years ago 2
strained her eye. motherfucker
_elliemm has
16 years ago
pwned the shit out of my panel presentation today 8D
_elliemm hates
16 years ago 1
cramps ><