8Friends 7Fans
female Manila, Philippines
15 years ago
aLmost forgot my p.w.,then i remembered it's my and his nem.. :-P
15 years ago
[g]ot [t]o [g]o guyx!.. it's midnight aLready so ciao and sweet dreams!.. :-)
15 years ago
my karma is goin' up then down..wtfg?!.. :-D
15 years ago
stiLL need to study for my finaLs in tourism tomorrow..stiLL haven't read anything..ahehe :-P
15 years ago
just pLayed sims..it's so addicting.. :-D
15 years ago
karma down..awwtx..:-((
15 years ago
studying for the finaLs in sociaL studies.. and i think i have a nosebLeed coming from aLL the terms i have read and need to memorize..:-(
15 years ago
[g]ot [t]o [g]o! (highfive)
15 years ago
didn';t get to study for the finaLs in engLix tomorrow..maybe i'LL faiL..hmm..watev, don't reaLLy care :-D
15 years ago
pLaying sims..:-D