Rachel ♥
76Friends 163Fans
female Rotherham, Great Britain (UK)
♥ Some emotions don't make a lot of noise. It's hard to hear pride. Caring is real faint... like a heartbeat. And pure love... why some days so quiet, you don't even know it's there... ♥

Rachel Loves Polish
Rachel ♥
10 years ago
Been treating myself again :-D http://instagram.com/p/xzhN0GIu16/
Rachel ♥
10 years ago
Can't believe my nephew is 5 today!
Rachel ♥
10 years ago 6
One of the best things in the world is coming home from work to find you pjs wrapped around a hot water bottle in bed :-)) He's such a cutie :-))
Rachel ♥ is
10 years ago 2
the only one who worked six days last week, everyone else did the normal 5 and now someone has called in sick today and they're trying to get me to work! No thank you!
Rachel ♥
10 years ago 1
I can still remember 2014 like it was yesterday!
Rachel ♥
10 years ago
2 months today and we'll be on our way to Gatwick all set for Florida!!!!! (woot)
Rachel ♥
10 years ago 1
Happy new year guys! (heart_beat)
Rachel ♥
10 years ago 9
It's purple!
Rachel ♥
10 years ago 4
Treating myself to a new laptop in the sales :-)