44Friends 12Fans
male OK, United States

For time is the longest distance between two places.

Zyg shares
15 years ago
Fat Princess for the PSN? who's gonna get it? \o/
Zyg shares
15 years ago 6
Keanu Reeves Starring In Cowboy Bebop Movie w00t? better than dragonball? XD
Zyg shares
15 years ago 1
Black Lagoon: The Fucking Short Version awesomeness \o/ lol
15 years ago 4
just saw 2 guys playing Maplestory and WOW in the school lab @_@; wonder if i can play mabinogi here kekeke
Zyg says
15 years ago
i heart Tei (tewi) xD 東方M-1ぐらんぷり: TeiReisen (subtitled) stand up comedy
Zyg says
15 years ago 7
why vader should stay on the dark side. upload.theqclan.com/7419...
Zyg says
15 years ago
plurk looks ugleh with the huge icons lolol
Zyg is
15 years ago 2
Reading Yuuta Nova Manga
15 years ago
just finished playing Metal Gear Online with shwishie xD
Zyg is
15 years ago 1
Full~ *burps* xD