38Friends 140Fans
female Brunei and Muara, Brunei Darussalam
Striving for the right path. Allah is my love and I live to please Allah.

Zubai says
12 years ago
from there you will know, you will feel Him by heart strong enough, that it makes you cry.
Zubai says
12 years ago
if you were to understand the meaning of the Qur'an you would felt it by heart and never want to stop reciting it.
Zubai says
12 years ago
just remember, while in prayers, you speak to Allah. While reciting the Qur'an, Allah speaks to you. It is a true beauty that needs no rush
Zubai says
12 years ago
humility is the strongest virtue of Islam, as close to humbleness. The One we praise is Allah and no other
Zubai says
12 years ago
arrogance is from the heart from the devil. when one is corrected for the purpose of helping, arrogance overcomes it and rejects its claim.
Zubai says
12 years ago
Prophet Muhammad SAW once said, "if you feel no shame, then do as you wish."
Zubai says
12 years ago
(Cont) We asked,"to whom?" he said,"to Allah, His book the Qur'an, His messenger, The Muslim leaders and his common folk." [Muslim]
Zubai says
12 years ago
On the authority of Tamim Al-Dari that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "religion is sincerity" (cont)
Zubai says
12 years ago
It is time to ponder and reflect
Zubai says
12 years ago
If you are to die tomorrow you will regret every second you don't spend on remembering, loving and fearing Allah.