41Friends 29Fans
male Indonesia
Personne active | I'm Marching Band Player FlightDC | Computer Design and Multimedia | Aventurier et aimait voyager | Francais, Je t'aime ♥ |
ZiqiTb says
12 years ago
Bismillah.. Goes to Bandung~
ZiqiTb likes
12 years ago
Nge-Grande Java Latte dulu, baru ke Kampus.. Nikmat dah.. :9
ZiqiTb shares
12 years ago
Check it out -> republika.co.id/berita/r...
ZiqiTb says
12 years ago
Good Night.
ZiqiTb says
12 years ago
Ilmu di sekolah mungkin penting,Ilmu diluar sekolah jauuuuuh lebih penting.
ZiqiTb says
12 years ago
Nah, sederhana itu dalam bersikap. Right? -Ippoh-
ZiqiTb thinks
12 years ago
Hidup tidak boleh sederhana. Hidup itu mesti hebat, mesti dahsyat, dan mesti luar biasa!
ZiqiTb says
12 years ago
Can't wait to see your smile.
ZiqiTb likes
12 years ago
Berarti hadiahnya bermanfaat.. :-)
ZiqiTb likes
12 years ago
Seneng, liat jam yang dari gue dipake.. :-)