Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿
29Friends 5Fans
female Shah Alam, Malaysia
Taufiq Ramly is my LOVE (cozy)
Home sweet home. <3
Ada speakers baru syiok!! :-D (seram)
Watching "Penunggu Istana" with Erica Shazleen & Athirah Hilmin. @_@ grrrr~
Going back to Shah Alam today.
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ says
13 years ago 4
Happy saturday! Have a blast day peeps. =)
Mata panda. @_@
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ hates
13 years ago 4
1 day left. :'-(
1st night at new home. =.=* mmg tak boleh nak lelap.
Ziey ✿♥‿♥✿ shares
13 years ago 8
When a girl thinks of her future with her boyfriend, it's normal. But when a boy thinks of his future with his girlfriend, he's serious. :-)