67Friends 29Fans
female Singapore
020209; TEOFUJIE (L)
Turns older every 0210 . [:
♥VINEZ wonders
14 years ago
why my plurk skin sotsot one -.- zz ! Isit 'cause don't have this skin alrd ? :\
♥VINEZ thinks
14 years ago
my karma is still freezed . :B hohohoh .
♥VINEZ says
14 years ago 4
HELLO PPL, suprised I'm using plurk ? ;D
♥VINEZ says
14 years ago 2
wowww, plurk got so much changes ! Resembles FB uh, can still like the plurk, hahah ..
♥VINEZ will
14 years ago 12
go freeze karma & use twitter; BYE PLURK FOREVER . :-D [ maybe not forever . O: ]
♥VINEZ thinks
14 years ago
I'll quit plurk & use twitter . :-D
14 years ago 8
back from library . :-))
14 years ago 2
back from CWP & school & is going to library now with PT & R .. :-))
♥VINEZ thinks
14 years ago
I shall go sleep now, tmrw needa by 8am reach school, wth right . Nightz . (sleeping)
14 years ago
's heart is burning and my heart can't be melted with Baby's comfort now . Aww . -.-