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female Second life
Flickr: Zee
2 years ago 11
I'm much better but I did lose my sense of smell, interestingly. I kept piling Vicks on myself thinking it has gone off cos I couldn't smell a thing but it The Guy can smell it all the way from the lounge room. And my clingy doggo has been social distancing himself from me (LOL)
2 years ago 12
Spoke too soon. Positive today and the fever hit in the afternoon though I'm much better tonight. The worst thing is just the splitting headache and coughing. The Guy been taking care of me now that he's bounced back. Not the best feeling ever but not the worst either. Thanks vaxx.
2 years ago 1
My Guy is much better now. He bounced back from covid so quickly, lucky. Not as fatigue as the weekend. Just have runny nose that irritates him.

I'm still negative. though I still have to isolate as well since he's here and I might be a carrier.
2 years ago 10
For the past 2 months, I've been around people who have had covid and managed to not get into the same predicament.

This afternoon, My Guy tested positive while staying over the weekend. He has been conked out in bed ever since. Fever and chills.
I still feel fine... But for how long? Dundundun
2 years ago 8
Sometimes I tolerate people I deeply dislike because they treat the people I love very well. Personal bias is a bitch, eh.
2 years ago 7
2 years ago 11
I excitedly typed a text to my MIL. Only after I hit send did I remember she is no longer here. And that my FIL still keeps her phone active because her pill alarms reminds him of her.
2 years ago
I had to duck out of a zoom meeting halfway because it was getting ridiculously long and almost close to 5pm and I had to "pick up my dog from doggie day care". It was legit, he was in daycare today, but I wondered if they thought I was just wanting to get out of the meeting (also yes to that as well)
2 years ago 7
I'm in a new stage where I'm meeting the Commercial Asset manager for the office and a future office in the same outfit that I wore to take the dog for a walk.

Hopefully at best she thinks its just me doing a casual Friday or at worst I'm one of those obnoxious new-Age Female Bropreneurs...instead of "she's a whole damn mess"