148Friends 407Fans
female Manchester, NH, United States
Yoga teacher, studio owner, knitter, spinner, dyer, vegetarian, animal lover.
Ravelry ID: Zarzuela.
10 years ago
Mullet night!!!
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 3
Workshop went well but holy crap I'm tired! Just have to wait for the boy to finish up at work and then it's HOCKEY TIME!!
Zarzuela says
10 years ago
Oh hai! (wave) teaching a Sanskrit workshop this afternoon. Hoping it goes well. First time teaching it. (goodluck)
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 7
Happy Friday!
Zarzuela says
10 years ago
(wave) Busy busy around here. Hope y'all are having a good one. And look what I found! :-))
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 7
(wave) just getting up after teaching a very well received 2 hour reiki & restorative yoga class with my friend Gina last night! People cheered when we said we'd do it again in January!
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 7
(wave) (: another rough night around here. When will we learn not to eat so much so late? Boy was up at 2am asking for peppermint oil (or death).
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 4
Took a plying break after workshop prep this afternoon.
Zarzuela says
10 years ago
(wave) Here's some good news for a Monday and a little something to uplift you too!
Zarzuela says
10 years ago 2
Fun day of spinning (12 oz.!) and knitting. Now for a young living share group meeting!