*him* he doesnt understand me at all!I just wanted to act more like a child!Hey!IM STRESSED TOO!Why cant i just do that?Im a child!NOT ADULT
happy because *he* is finally online!And watashi wa no kirei no Kei-chan is fine again!
this.this feeling,its piercing!I want my friends..why cant we just be friends can talk like we used to?I loved you all so much..
such a short holiday -.- gimme more holiday time will ya?I nidda finish up the effing hmwk
hurt again!My wound opened up again!And its at the knee-cap so its like so irritating!
goodnite and im darn angry
that the h1n1 virus wont spread anymore and that people who wants it to spread to WAKE up!Its a DEADLY virus!Puh-lease!
that everyone doesnt hate her
that everyone is being too quiet