732Friends 392Fans
male Jogja, Indonesia
ابو يحي الجوغجوي
Abu Yahya al-Jughjawi

Destination Host Unreachable.

People who have lost everything that they are fighting for, know well how to be thankful to God for everything.
InstagramOrdering a cup of Coffee.
InstagramBawa pulang. Retrofit. Jadiin milik pribadi.
InstagramKok jadi horror? (LOL)
InstagramDemocrazy is not perfect. (code)
InstagramYang bikin Kereta Kerajaan Jogja siapa ya? (thinking)
InstagramSaya sering mengalami Dysania. (hungry)
Warriors: A Starless Clan - 4.thunder
Pengen beli dan baca buku seri ini. Sepertinya keren. Petualangan klan Warrior tanpa rasa takut. (hungry)
InstagramGreater who?
Jason Riley (@_theaccentguy_) • Instagram reelThis is super cool. (LOL) Try Medhok accent.