33Friends 2Fans
female Semarang, Indonesia
I love Jesus Christ, my family and friends.
I love creating songs and sing.
I love doing all the things like I'm falling in love.
Because I love to give the best for my God, Jesus Christ. =)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Seorang penulis membuktikan kepiawaiannya dlm menulis saat ia harus menulis dlm waktu yg sangat singkat namun bisa menyampaikan maksudnya :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
"When I call on Jesus, all things are possible.."
*This song has remind me about Jesus' mighty power and has made me pass the test. :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
My life is a gift.
I love my Jesus Christ who gave me this life. Thanks, my Beloved :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Oh, I just found that there is a street name called Blessed Way in Texas! I'm wondering if there were such street name in Indonesia.. ^_^
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
"How much that is beautiful and good may be hidden, but not forgotten;"
("There Is A Difference" - Hans Christian Andersen)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
"What makes you different might be your greatest strength."
True. I'm proud to be different, just the way I am.Thanks Lord Jesus :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Keep moving forward unstoppably unless you take a wrong turn that end to an endless valey, and step back to move to the right turn. :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Something happens accidentally isn't really an accident, HE plans it for us. But something happens unaccidentally, is something you plan. :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
I'm so grateful that I have a God like You,Jesus Christ.I met a friend that I'll never forget in my whole lifetime.Thanks for sending him :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Trust me, once Christ gives His promises to us, He will never say "April Mop!" because He always fulfill what He has said.