33Friends 2Fans
female Semarang, Indonesia
I love Jesus Christ, my family and friends.
I love creating songs and sing.
I love doing all the things like I'm falling in love.
Because I love to give the best for my God, Jesus Christ. =)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Uncommon Faith! Yes!
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
I have a desire too, Lord.. But mine is extraordinary and impossible. But that's what You like, right? Cause impossible is nothing for You.
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Nggak cuma motor yang bisa kejar-kejaran.Aku liat becak kejar-kejaran pagi ini.Kenapa aku jarang liat mahasiswa kejar-kejaran prestasi ya?
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
A FRIENDSHIP is a place where you can be comfortable. If you are comfortable with a person or a group, be there and grow up together. :-D
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
"You're My beloved
You're My bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me, My love.." "I'm coming Lord.." :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
7Lights, hope it will last forever. Well, I mean, at least in a long long time.
I'll enjoy every time with y'all.
God bless 7Lights! Amen!
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
"The Law demands holiness. Grace gives holiness."
So, take grace. He has granted it for us :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Siomay siomay...Aseeeeek... :-)
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
O-em-ji! Mungkin kalo waktu itu udah marak jd penyiar radio, embah" di mobilku ini bakalan jadi penyiar TOP!Nonstop cuap".Masuk rekor MURI!
YohanaEkky says
12 years ago
Lord Jesus,thank you for this extremelly superb experience,for drawing me to a wonderful life path,for being my Father & Friend!Hallelujah!