Yee Teeng
31Friends 10Fans
female Penang, Malaysia
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago
last week...
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago
Taylor Swift- Eyes Open (music)
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago
looking forward to "Dark Shadows" :-D
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago 3
而是比你厉害的人比你更努力 天下没有白吃的午餐 我是你的话一定会自我检讨 找出自己的缺点 学习别人的优点
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago 4
finally she will come to observe me tomorrow... (goodluck)to myself
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago
Ok,I can only accept the reality...
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago 1
how I wish 2ml is holiday...sigh
Yee Teeng shares
12 years ago 10操劳过度,腰骨痛。。。真的不认老都不行 (doh)
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago 16
今天某人说:“你们TESOL的之所以那么努力准备每一个lesson还不是因为你们没有男朋友,没寄托。你们在做坏行情!” X-(很想大声地告诉她,是她脑残兼懒惰好不好。。。
Yee Teeng says
12 years ago 32
received a birthday cake and birthday cards from mt students...damn happy :-D