p/s, CYH
20Friends 5Fans
Currently studyin in ZSS, with beloved friends :-D
Is vehveh in love with KimRyeowook ♥ ( 김려욱 Wookie! )
Please enjoy your stay here looking at MY Ryeowook :-D
p/s, CYH
15 years ago
met up w. THYR and TCR just now :-))
p/s, CYH has
15 years ago
got homeworks to do. But everythin is w. Jingwen :-P
p/s, CYH
15 years ago
didnt go school today. 8-)
p/s, CYH needs
15 years ago
to go and sleep already :-) Bye plurkers. (wave)
p/s, CYH loves
15 years ago
th way vanehneh makes th hand sign of 321 :-))
p/s, CYH says
15 years ago
older big *321* huhs , im not scared lar deys.
p/s, CYH
15 years ago
misses THYR and TCR :'-(
p/s, CYH likes
15 years ago
o8o7o9 ( DDMMYY ). BUT , only in th morneh and afternoon. I've spent th night w. TONS & TONS of anger. X-(
p/s, CYH has
15 years ago
came back from ayg. Oh no ! It has really ended :-(
p/s, CYH
15 years ago
sings ; A B C D E F G you're name as 'poodle ong'. *points to vanehneh* (LOL)