8Friends 44Fans
female Miraflores, Peru
Well I'm a student with too much free time
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
confused...who the f*ck is Angie????
Xtina92 has
15 years ago
changed her msn disply after literally 2 years
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
trying to figure out Schrodinger's something
Xtina92 loves
15 years ago
grand theft auto china wars
Xtina92 has
15 years ago
to study...
Xtina92 loves
15 years ago
to kill a mockingbird and Woyzeck
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
trying to figure out what dadaismus is...
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
saw her old crush like a million times today... That was so highschool
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
watching city of angels when she should be doing homework a.k.a reading to kill a mockingbird
Xtina92 is
15 years ago
I turned of my lights for the earth hour!!!!!