16Friends 23Fans
female Singapore
Heyylos? hahah...
Tammie hre..16 tis yr
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Why the sudden heartache..:-(:'-(
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
That both reply, just made me cry now.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Thanks Baby,and wei xiong kor for cheering me up.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
To my parents,i seem like useless person to them.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Behind beauty there's always ugliness..behind perfection there is flaw. Behind love, there's pain.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
The sunrise is always beautiful. It's like life.. Beautiful but yet go through alot of obstacles for perfection.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Drowning in a pool of tears. Who will save me? Baby, i hope it's you.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
I feel so alone.. Sad.
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Baby i miss you badly!
XiiaoTam says
14 years ago
Crying myself to sleep ..