47Friends 6Fans
male middle of nowhere, MT, United States
12 years ago 3
glares at SL and stomps around i gib ups
Wuffy/Conor shares
12 years ago
my mom emailed me this pic from her facebook
12 years ago 2
cusses a blue stream fit to embaras a sailor...thought the snow was gone from up here but i walk outside n get met with about 2 if not 3 inches on the ground
12 years ago 1
ugh this new phn gunna piss me off
12 years ago 2
new.livestream.com/Foste... he has a new batch already
12 years ago 3
gotta love when you are such a klutz at work that you bruise your left chest wall so bad that the doc takes you off of work
12 years ago 2
miss my family sooooooo much
Wuffy/Conor is
12 years ago 1
there anyone on my tl that knows about networking two computers and if so would they be willing to help me set it up on them?
12 years ago 1
i REALLY wanna kill my new desktop, its not letting me load any of the SL viewers at all, says graphics is out of date but its not
Wuffy/Conor shares
12 years ago 1
loyal dogthis made me cry seeing just how loyal this dog is to his departed master