103Friends 325Fans
male Pandacan, Philippines
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
AzurePhoenix shares
13 years ago 9
Well, now. That's not something you see everyday in comics.
13 years ago 1
One more. Write one more, even if your brain just wants to shut down.
13 years ago 1
apparently, Steve Jobs was also instrumental to the birth of the World Wide Web
13 years ago 8
The first morning I didn't turn the TV on for news, and... this. RIP, Steve Jobs :-(
13 years ago 5
in this line of work, when you research and write about gorgeous women, "oooh, shiny!" isn't what you say when... distracted (evilsmirk)
AzurePhoenix shares
13 years ago
Kate Upton DougieKate Upton Dougie
[For the boys] Kate Upton, doing the Dougie
AzurePhoenix shares
13 years ago 1
Doctor Reveals Arroyo Surgeries are Part of Plan to Transplant Former Presidents Brain to Robot BodyDoctor Reveals Arroyo Surgeries are Part of Plan to Tra...(Gloria will be a Dalek. Be. Very. Afraid.)