15Friends 7Fans
male George Town, Malaysia
Is it time to Release all of my hidden HATRED? Everything that I want , I don't wanna lose them again ...
Wilkinson says
15 years ago
Love cannot be denied. It cannot be hidden. It cannot be unanswered. Every time a kindness is done, the call has been answered
Wilkinson says
15 years ago
When you are ready to give up blame, you will no longer have a use for the ego X-(
Wilkinson says
15 years ago
WOrld is going 2 end soon...
Wilkinson says
15 years ago 1
going for a movie
Wilkinson says
15 years ago
Hey guys, Do u know the meaning of, "ABCDEFG"? How about reverse the meaning of, "GFEDCBA"^^?
Wilkinson says
15 years ago 14
DO u know what ZIWEI, am going 4 a movie tonight...hahax
Wilkinson says
15 years ago 1
juz came back from my sch camp, it was awesome!!!
Wilkinson says
15 years ago 3
Is it time to Release all of my hidden HATRED? Everything that I want , I don't wanna lose them again ...