48Friends 17Fans
female Fairy Kingdom, Great Britain (UK)
And what shall I do in Illyria?
WilherminaShakespeare is
13 years ago 2
(angry)chiding the violets
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 3
The oats have eaten the horses.
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 1
I am your butt, and I abide your shot.
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago
Look how you butt yourself in these sharp mocks
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 3
I'll show your grace the strangest sight
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago
I must cony-catch
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 4
Lord Hamlet is a prince out of thy star
WilherminaShakespeare asks
13 years ago 1
What strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 1
Tell him I am deaf. (music)
WilherminaShakespeare says
13 years ago 1
Sathan, avoid, I charge thee, tempt me not.